Creative Director

Kalli Holmes Sorensen



Kalli is a creative visionary and leading wardrobe and interior stylist. Her life long passion and appreciation for aesthetics led her to support others in self-aware style through visual merchandising, wardrobe consulting and interior styling having owned and operated Visual Images for over 30 years. Kalli's dedicated involvement and extensive experience in all aspects of visual presentation have provided her with a wealth of knowledge regarding the art of dressing and interior styling using the characteristics of style; line, scale and color. 

With multi-faceted experience in all areas of visual presentation, Kalli has the unique talent to synthesize her understanding of design principles to best suit each client’s individual preferences, personal style and self-expression. Her valuable background enables her to identify her client’s desires, integrate their needs, then creatively transform their environment into their personal sanctuary. She vivaciously shares her gift of creativity to support others to design their living environments with a sense of wonder, originality and resourcefulness. 

The Experience of Beauty


Kalli has this to say:
"I have always admired beauty be it in clothing choices, living environments or nature. In doing so I recognize that any and all touches of beauty benefit people both physically and emotionally. The very experience of beauty itself can be very healing. There is a personal grace a woman finds in her own elegant choices and self-expression through her choice in lines, colors, textures, and shapes. Accessories alone can
communicate and express your inner personality and uniqueness when dressing your body or your home. It's no wonder that I have been in the field of Visual Presentation for over 30 years! I am blessed to have discovered my gifts and talents early in my life. I have also been very fortunate to follow this passion to a long, fulfilling career." 

How do you experience beauty? Do you see it or think it? Or perhaps feel it? My personal response to beauty is visceral. Beauty both inspires and motivates me. It feeds my soul. So much so that I have spent most my life creating it for myself and others to enjoy the physical (and spiritual) experience of it."

The Heart of the Creative Process

"A woman who works with her hands is a laborer; A woman who works with her hands and her brains is a craftor;

But a woman who works with her hands and her brains and her heart is an artist." - Louis Nixer

For me the creative process from conception to completion, from vision to manifestation is a impassioned path. Creation begins as a vision, dream or connection to a new possibility. The time it takes to move from vision to manifestation varies with each client, project and budget.

The heart of creative design lives in the process and reveals new relationships of trust and possibilities. Styling and design is about relationships. It may be a relationship with my client, others, earth, light, space, materials, texture or color.

The creative process does not need to be stifled by budget constraints or time limits. On the contrary, working within these boundaries sets up a trusting and transparent environment in which to collaborate with clients and contractors.

I am often inspired to create a sense of wonder and originality in living environments. Inspired by the characteristics of style; color, line, scale, texture, form and function, my deepest desire is to create an ambiance that gives one a feeling, an experience or a sense of well being through interior restyling. Sometimes simply focusing on the simple things can easily and inexpensively enhance a space or room and transform the result from ordinary to extraordinary.

“Creativity is a means of connecting with the Infinite Source

of inspiration that arises from within.”

Beti Roi, Yoga teacher, vocalist